The Academy of Fine Arts of Bari is pleased to present the „Restart” RestART: Cityness, Ecologies, and Community video art contest which will see the students of the partner universities of the Erasmus project as protagonists. The call aims to unite students of different origins but above all to spread culture and citizens to the importance of environmental sustainability and promoting eco friendly behaviors become crucial to preserve the quality of life in cities. Please kindly disseminate the attached call, if possible on your institutional websites, and forward this email to the faculty members of your institutions so that they may promptly inform interested students. We would be delighted to have the participation of your students in this event, which is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari.
RestART: Cityness, Ecologies, and Community
The Academy of Fine Arts of Bari is pleased to announce the international competition, promoted in collaboration with MUR, the Ministry of University and Research, aimed at students from foreign Universities and Fine Arts Academies who are Erasmus partners of the Academy of Bari.
The competition is dedicated to video art and has the theme
„RestART: Cityness, Ecologies, and Community”, an invitation to explore the connections between urban life, ecology, and communities through visual art.
In modern urban societies, the relationship between citizens, ecology, and community is of crucial importance. Cities are not only conglomerates of buildings and infrastructure but also, and above all, the places where people live, work, and interact with the surrounding environment. Urban ecology focuses on the interconnection between city dwellers and the environment around them. Citizens’ actions, such as waste disposal, water resource usage, and transportation impacts, directly influence the health of urban ecosystems. Therefore, educating citizens about the importance of environmental sustainability and promoting eco-friendly behaviors become crucial to preserving the quality of life in cities. At the same time, communities play a fundamental role in shaping urban life and mitigating environmental challenges. Through urban gardening projects, waste recycling initiatives, and sustainable mobility efforts, communities can actively contribute to the conservation of the local environment. Furthermore, the sense of belonging and solidarity among community members fosters social cohesion and individual and collective well-being. Ultimately, promoting eco conscious citizenship and empowering communities are essential to addressing the environmental and social challenges of modern cities. Only through collaboration and shared commitment will it be possible to create sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous urban environments for present and future generations.
Eligibility and Accepted Techniques
The Prize is open to all students enrolled in partner institutions of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari under the Erasmus program. Each artist can participate by presenting a video work with a maximum duration of 3 minutes. Accepted techniques include video, film, slow motion, time-lapse, and works created using all animation techniques on any digital and analog support, including short films and computer graphics.
Exclusion Criteria
The work must not contain, otherwise it will be excluded: drawings or writings that may be offensive to morals, individuals, public or private associations, political, religious, or ethnic groups; explicit or implicit advertising messages; violent scenes or messages with sexual connotations. Additionally, the author guarantees that there are no rights of any kind in favor of third parties on the submitted work. Therefore, competitors assume all responsibility related to the project in case of any violation of third-party copyrights and undertake to hold harmless the bidding entity and the Organization from any claims.
Technical Details
Works of video art and experimental animations, video research, video dance, video theater, abstract video, city portraits, and similar digital or analog animations accompanied by original music are accepted. The video work must have a minimum duration of 1 minute and must not exceed 3 minutes and be in h264 format. The selection jury reserves the right to evaluate any cases of different video durations. Each author can propose only one video work in the competition, which must have been produced within the two years preceding the application. Each author is responsible for the submitted work and the use of copyrighted music.Collective Exhibition 20 works will be selected to participate in the collective exhibition of the competition finalists, which will be held in May at a qualified public exhibition venue in Bari.
1st prize: €1000.00
2nd prize: €700.00
3rd prize: €300.00
Applicants and Application Procedures
Students enrolled in Erasmus partner Universities and Academies of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari
To participate in the competition, it is necessary to send the video file along with the completed attachment.
Applications can be submitted from the publication of this notice until May 06, 2024.
Candidates must send the participation form and the video work to the email address: – Subject: RESTART – Name / Surname / University of origin
Selection Procedure
The material will be evaluated by a technical jury composed of professors from the Academy of Fine Arts of Bari.
P.S. The selected students can participate in the presentation exhibition in Bari – Italy with a short mobility from their own university.”
Attached you will find the notice file with the participation form to send.
info: –
Prof. Raffaele Fiorella.
Erasmus coordinator, Academy of Fine Arts of Bari,
Erasmus Code: I BARI02
via Re David, 189/c – 70124, Bari – Tel.: 080.556.64.71
personal number: +39 3208975032 (wa)
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